Resources for Volunteer Tax Preparers This is for TY2016
Click for TY2015 TY2017

Tax Law

There are multiple sources you can use to learn the tax law necessary to be certified as a volunteer preparer by the IRS.

Use the links above to go to the source(s) you would like to use. You may use any combination of sources that works best with your learning style. Each of these will cover all federal tax law topcs which are included in the IRS Advanced Certification. Only the New Jersey Slide Decks cover NJ tax law topics. [Note: Unless instructed otherwise, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers should ignore Military and International sections in the IRS sources.]

Source Author Format Description
New Jersey Slide Decks NJ Team PowerPoint Decks that integrate Federal and New Jersey tax law topics. Based on prior year tax law in order to allow preparing returns using TSO (Federal + State) (Tax-Aide only / NOT VITA)
NTTC Slide Decks NTTC PowerPoint Decks that cover Federal tax law topics from the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide National Tax Training Committee. (Federal Only) (Tax-Aide only / NOT VITA)
NTTC Workbook NTTC PDF 15 Tax problems plus many excellent questions on various tax law topics. (Federal Only) (Tax-Aide only / NOT VITA)
IRS Pub 4491
see also IRS Pub 4491-A
IRS PDF A classic textbook style way to learn tax law (Federal Only) [Note: this file is fairly large (10+ MB) - It is probably best to download to your computer once when you have a fast internet connection then use your local copy.]
IRS Link & Learn IRS e-Learning A series of self-study modules that correspond to the lessons in Pub 4491. Includes examples and interactive quizzes. (Federal Only)